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Most Common Pregnancy Symptoms How to Manage Them

Most Common Pregnancy Symptoms – How to Manage Them

Pregnancy news is often wonderful. Most women are typically found aware of the typical pregnancy symptoms to watch out for during the first trimester. The first one here is missed menstrual period. What women miss out while experiencing the symptoms is knowing the tricks to lower the impact of pregnancy signs.

Following are the main symptoms of pregnancy along with the tips to manage them.

First trimester: (Up to 13 weeks)

Nausea and Vomiting:

The two symptoms are most common in the first trimester. These are the signs that have given the news of the pregnancy to many women. Hence, if you observe these symptoms, you can decide if you want to continue the pregnancy or end it with medications. In the latter case, it is advised to buy abortion pills online or from the local store at the earliest and end the pregnancy safely.

If you wish to continue the pregnancy, experiencing these two symptoms can be a great sign as it indicates healthy growth of the fetus.

Morning sickness

Uncomfortable and distressing feeling

What to do:

Have smaller and frequent meals

Have chamomile tea or eat ginger

Smell anti-nauseous things such as mint

When to call a doctor:

You can get anti-nausea medications in case of extreme or continuous symptoms.


Not keeping up with activities that you usually do can become an irritating thing. However, it is another common symptom of pregnancy. Hormonal changes taking place in the body can make you feel tired and dizzy.

What to do:

Take naps

Find a comfortable sleep position

Drink Chamomile tea

When to call a doctor:

Generally, the first-trimester fatigue goes away in the second trimester. If the tiredness doesn’t go despite all efforts, you can speak to your healthcare provider. He may examine you and determine if there’s any other issue behind your continuous tiredness.

Second trimester: (14-27 weeks)


The hormonal changes begin to increase in the second trimester. The mild contractions in the body lead to constipation like problems. It is quite common though uncalled for.

What to do:

Stay Hydrated

Increase the intake of watery fruits and juices

Have a fibre-rich diet

When to call a doctor:

If you are following the instructions mentioned above to stop constipation, it should ideally go. However, for prolonged constipation problems, you can consider speaking to the doctor.

Round ligament pain:

Since the uterus of the woman expands owing to the pregnancy growth, it can give round ligament pain in the lower abdominal region. Also, it can cause jabbing pain in the belly area when the woman walks or exercises.

What to do:

Regular yoga, stretching

When to call:

Regular yoga and stretching activities may not suit every woman. If the pain increases despite physical activities, you should speak to your healthcare provider and know the suitable physical activities and positions to lower the impact of round ligament pain.

Speaking of the third-trimester pregnancy symptoms, it can differ from woman to woman. And so, the advice will be different for every woman. Hence, it is advised to get personal medical attention for any pregnancy symptoms or change occurring during the third trimester. Taking proper guidance in later pregnancy can help avoid any complications.

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