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Is Abortion Home Remedies Worth the Risk?

An unwanted pregnancy can bring on a variety of incompatible emotions. For some, these can introduce a bit of excitement, fear, panic, or a mixture of all these 3. But what if you understand that having a child simply is not an option for you currently?

These mixed emotions, linked with certain stigma and laws surrounding abortion, make it easier to take the situations into your own hands. After all the internet offers definite options and offers of safe and inexpensive home remedies to terminate a pregnancy. However, some medical expert guides to buy abortion pills.

However, some common examples of home remedies include:

  • Physical exercises

  • Herbal remedies such as tinctures, teas, and douches

  • Self-injury

  • Over the counter medicines

These home remedies are inefficient at best. Those that could be potential at methods and are incredibly risky.

Do Home remedies for abortion come with serious risks?

Abortion at home include those done with herbs and they come with a huge risk of life-threatening complications. These remedies have been used for many centuries but a countless number of women have died or faced permanent complications after using the remedies.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) nearly 50,000 women die each year due to unsafe abortions. This includes medical termination done with home remedies. In addition to this about 1 in 5 women who have an unsafe pregnancy termination are left with severe health issues that require medical assistance.

Here is the look of the biggest risk linked with familiar abortion home remedies.

Incomplete Abortion: An incomplete abortion is referred to as abortion that did not completely work. This means that the pregnancy is still in the body and you may require to go for a surgical abortion to complete the abortion process. Incomplete abortion or untreated abortion can root to severe bleeding, pain and life-threatening complications.

Infections: All surgeries include risk of infection, also, some home remedies are carried out by inserting a device to reach your uterus. This procedure is very dangerous even if you do with the sterilized devices.

An infection in your cervix, vagina or uterus can lead to permanent impairment, including infertility. An infection in your vagina can also pass on to your bloodstream and lead to blood poisoning.

Scarring: In extension to hemorrhaging, a surgical abortion done by anyone without any medical training can source in scarring. This can damage your internal as well as external genitalia, which can cause infertility and other medical issues.

Toxicity: Herbal remedies can be harmless as they are natural but some common herbs, such as parsley can have a strong effect and become toxic. Also, some herbal methods require the consumption of more quantity than the recommended dosage.

If you take more then the amount recommended it can be dangerous. It can damage your liver and lead to severe health complications.

So, in the end, it is recommended to go for safe methods of abortion procedure which can be medical abortion with Mifepristone and Misoprostol medicines or Surgical abortion.

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